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                  700, 800 LOADING DIRECTIONS

Because these loads are handmade, some loads will fit snug between the bulkheads and may not require gluing. The tie downs, modeled by the thread, should be lined up with the key holes on the center beam and on the winches of the deck of the car. If they aren’t to your liking, very carefully adjust the thread with your fingernail, taking care not to break the thread. Being nylon, the thread will stretch somewhat. After checking fit and appearance, secure each half of the load to the deck. For non-permanent mounting of the load, try using Accent Glue by Woodland Scenics® to secure the load. White or yellow glue will also work well but use sparingly. When using glue, secure load to car with rubber bands taking care not to bend piping under car. Series- 700 G and 800 B,F, or G require gluing because of space between the bulkheads of the car. Position the loads so that the fully painted ends are facing the center of the car with the load glued against the bulkheads of the Center beam. The load then should have space in the middle of the car with exposed ends shown painted.










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